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Saturday, July 7, 2012

VIRUS: Internet Blackout Coming Monday

Check if your internet is running fine, DNS Changer Check-Up: www.dns-ok.us
As the FBI shuts down servers, hundreds of thousands of PCs infected with the DNSChanger malware could lose Internet access.
Hundreds of thousands of Internet users whose computers are infected with a particularly nasty virus will be unable to access the Web starting on Monday.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation will shut down Internet servers that it temporarily set up to support those affected by malicious software, called DNSChanger. Turning off those servers will knock all those still infected offline.
Over the past five years, a group of six Estonian cybercriminals infected about 4 million computers around the world with DNSChanger. The malware redirected infected users' Web searches to spoofed sites with malicious advertisements.

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