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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Do You Know You Can Marry a Dead Person in France?. !!!

I was shocked when I saw this article online and I feel we all should be enlightened on this, so take your time to read and get the knowledge on strange happenings around the world.
Did you know that it is hundred percent legal to get married to a dead person in France?

Well if you did not know, now you know and I’m sure you might be wondering why. What would make someone want to get married to a dead person? And why is this action legal in the first place.
This article seeks to explain just that. So please read on and be enlightened on this….

In France, it is quite true that a person can get marry to a dead person. This is a legal thing in France and it is called a posthumous marriage. Now, this kind of marriage is one in which one of the participating partners is deceased of course. This kind of marriage has been legal in France since World War I.

How posthumous marriage originated

It began in the 1950s as a result of a severe tragedy where a dam broke and killed hundreds of people in Frejus, France. Among the dead people was a man named Andre Capra who was engaged and to be married to a woman named Irene Jodart. After Capra’s death, Irene Jodart sent messages to the then French President Charles De Gaulle pleading with him to let her marry her fiancĂ© Capra even though he was dead. Soon the media heard her pleas and began supporting her. The support Irene Jodart received was so overwhelming the President gave her the green light to marry her deceased fiancĂ©.

This decision led to France’s parliament drafting a law that permitted posthumous marriages, which has since then seen hundreds of widows filing for postmortem matrimony. Posthumous marriage does not however give the surviving spouse any right to intestate succession and matrimonial property. Any person in France who wants to file for postmortem matrimony has to send a request to the President of France, who in turn forwards it to the Minister of Justice. But this does not end there as the Minister of Justice will now forward the request to the prosecutor for the surviving member’s district. According to reports, one out of every four applicants for posthumous marriage is rejected.
Why It is Legal to Marry a Dead Person in France

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